The importance of SEO

24th November 2014

The shift in algorithms from Google has made SEO even more important than ever. Many companies are outdated in their thinking as regards what Google searches for when it is ranking websites on its pages.

What used to be the best way of ensuring a listing on the front page is no longer the case. Too many people are still working under these assumptions and are getting it very wrong.

At indicoll, we are Google Partners, which means we are kept constantly up to date with Google’s practices. From Google themselves. You can’t get more on the pulse than that.

As a business, you need to trust that your SEO company is doing the right things for your business. Working for you, not for themselves. We pride ourselves on getting results for our customers and they are often surprised at the lengths we will go to for them, in order to get the right SEO results for their business. Relevance is key.

We have had a few people contact us recently because they were paying out large amounts of money for no reward to SEO companies who don’t have a clue what they are doing and are actually making things worse, not better.

We communicate with you at all stages, providing SEO reports so you can see exactly how you are faring, what we have done, and where your money has been spent. We won’t promise the world, but we will do our best to get it for you.

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