It’s safe to say a lot has happened over the last 7 weeks. The UK has been put into lockdown, shops have shut, we've only been allowed out for essential food shopping, exercise, medical reasons and to go to work if you are a key worker. During all of this, the schools also closed, and students, teachers and families who have been heavily affected by this have had to find ways of dealing with economic and societal consequences.
In these still largely uncertain times, we have limited options, but to help one another come out of this pandemic on two feet, we must do our best to support each other when we can and stay positive.
The safety of all pupils, teachers and families is of course paramount, but the fact still remains that without educational schemes such as Home Learning, young people will continue to feel the impact of school closures. Indicoll have been supporting schools so they can keep young people in education through home learning during the Coronavirus.
Last week, Bowmandale Primary School got in touch with our team with the intention of providing a separate Home Learning page for its year groups.
Designed to keep in theme with its schools' core values "Straight. True. Successful.", Indicoll built a brand new, fully functional website for them within the day.
The website now allows Bowmandale Primary School to have a platform with strong site navigation where its teachers can upload home learning content for all school years, allowing them to support their foundation pupils with daily read and write lessons all the way up to their year 6 pupils who should have been sitting their SATs this week.
Throughout this time, the Indicoll team is working from home to allow us to continue safely delivering support to our clients during this difficult time, and we have taken many positives from this lockdown. The support we have seen nationwide is astonishing, and it is so important to stay positive in unprecedented times like these. We wish you and your families all the best through these difficult times.
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